Thursday, February 18, 2010

Kool Things

With the sometimes staggering amount of free time I seem to find on my hands, I often seize the opportunity to try out new things. Being somewhat compulsive, I generally ride these experiences into the ground, never to return again (I'm talking to you, I See Hawks in L.A.). Some of these things are so awesome however, that they stick. Today I share with you some things that have stood my test of whimsy and that I highly endorse:

The Spike Mat.
If you follow me on Twitter (@JoeDaly_SD), you have heard me incessantly tweet about how stoked I am to spike out. The spike mat is something I found in Sweden this summer, when all my friends there were raving about their "spikmatta." Medieval sounding, to be sure, the spike mat is a thin foam bed about the size of your back wrapped in canvas cover that has about a hundred little plastic circles on it. Each circle is made of hard plastic, like Legos, each covered in about 12 little spikes. Ok, I know it sounds crazy, but you put it down on your bed, couch, floor, etc., and lay on it. Shirt off, btw. It might feel a bit uncomfortable when you first lie back on it, or when you adjust yourself to it, but soon thereafter, you get hit with a wave or relaxation. It is essentially giving yourself acupuncture. I routinely fall asleep on mine. It is a supreme way to relax, to treat a sore neck/shoulders (roll up a towel and put it under the mat, so your neck is craned over it), and to decompress after a workout. Listening to an iPod with a groovy mix completes the experience.

Flavored licorice.
Licorice is low fat and addresses my never-ending sugar craving. At Henry's Market, I found a wide array of flavors- watermelon, grape, green apple, raspberry, etc. I keep a couple bags in my desk and at home. Great way to snack lightly while feeling like you're throwing caution to the wind.

This animated show is four years old now and has yet to receive the kind of acclaim it most surely deserves. Brendon Small, who writes the episodes, is actually a trained comedian who also graduated from the Berklee College of Music. He is a ridiculously talented metal guitarist and songwriter, who writes an original death/thrash metal song for each episode. But you don't have to be a fan of death metal to enjoy the show- the characters are chiefly the fictitious band Dethklok, who are the biggest band in the world, such that they are one of the largest economies and who are so influential on world events that a secret global tribunal tracks their every move. The band members are horribly self-centered multi millionaires who are so coddled by their rockstar lives that they don't know WHERE to find food, let alone how to prepare it. They care only about being "brutal" and being "metal" and have no regard for their fans and often each other. The plots are creative, hilarious, and for seasons 1 and 2, only 11 minutes each. And everyone who is anyone in metal has been a guest voice- from Slash, to Metallica, to King Diamond.

Hot Yoga.
I started doing this nine months ago and have been hooked ever since. I am as flexible as a glass rod, and with a body battered by sports injuries, I had little hope of taking to yoga, let alone in scorching heat. In my first class, I almost had to leave because the heat was so much. Then I went again, and again, and now I'm totally addicted to it. Classes are 60 minutes each and they jack the temp up to about 106. Some classes are 110+, which are ridiculous. But it's fun, the vibe is very mellow and friendly, and I feel like a million bucks when I'm done. I'm currently doing 30 classes in 30 days. I'm on day 24 and rocking.

Penny Stocks.
Ok, this is random, but since I started working in investor relations, I've learned a ridiculous amount of information in the penny stock market (stocks under $5 a share). While any kind of investing is little more than a calculated gamble, penny stock investing puts the "S" in "Speculative." Still, by investing within my means and keeping my expectations low, it's been a fun way to follow the economy, watch some very interesting companies, and make a little money along the way. And there's always the chance that one of the companies will blow up, get acquired, or roll out the next iPod. Way better odds than the lottery.

Other things I love:
Mozy Cafe(Leucadia, CA)
Taylor 614ce Grand Auditorium acoustic/electric guitar
MOJO, UNCUT, Q music magazines
Italian Biscotti flavored creamer
T-shirts from
Zip up track jackets
Shoes from (vegan/vegetarian clothing)
Tahitian Vanilla Bahama Bay car air fresheners
New music from Steve Poltz ("Dreamhouse" album)

Call or write with any questions.


  1. i have to agree about the metalocaplyse. i've only seen 2 episodes, but i'm in love with it.

    and i'm going to have ot try that yantra thing. i love accupuncture too much not to have it in my own home.

  2. I'm now craving Licorice and I can't go out to get it..thanks for that. and I think I may need to go buy the air freshener as it makes me want to go on vacation. and I miss Mozy's cafe.
